Active Aging​
Are you or a loved one fearful that your independence may be at risk?
Are you tired of relying on others to complete daily tasks that used to come with ease?
Do you want to be able go to the store or clean the house without having to ask for help from a friend or family
member? If so, our Active Aging program may be life changing for you (keep reading below...)
Get the tools to help a Senior in your life stay active and mobile...
Click here to request this free information for Active Aging
If you answered "YES" to any of the questions above, then our Active Aging program may be life changing for you... (even if your doctor has told you "there is nothing you can do about it")...
Dear Shenango Valley Residents currently having difficulty with balance and mobility:​
If you, or a loved one, suffer from unsteadiness, reoccurring falls, or just feeling like you are slowing down - then reaching out to our team may be the most important thing you do this year.
It will likely be the solution you are looking for to give you a way to get back to the life you deserve...
A life where you can go on long walks with your friends and family without worrying about where they are going or how far they are walking.
A life where your children won’t have to worry if they will get a call in the middle of the night saying you are on the way to the hospital after having another fall.
A life where you can do and enjoy all the things you see so many others doing and enjoying but your bad balance and lack of mobility has kept you watching from the sidelines.
A life where you can stay independent, healthy and active without ever having to move into a nursing home.
...Basically a life without the fear of losing your independence.
Our Active Aging Programs are designed to help you build strength, gain mobility, and become more steady and confident in your balance and stability...
How to get started:
If you want to know how our Active Aging Program can help you or a loved one,
please just click the link below and complete this short questionnaire:
All smiles for Dorothy of Greenville who says "No More Cane!" after working with the Roscoe Physiotherapy team for balance training and strengthening.
She says she's leaving her cane behind more and more often, even when her husband surprisingly asks...
"Are you SURE you don't need your cane?"

Please enjoy reading Dorothy's success story below after she worked with the Roscoe Physiotherapy Team to regain balance, strength, and mobility...